Tactical Drone Course
P.O.S.T. Certified
5 Days / 40 Hours
NV POST #P3530007
Cost: $3,500 per person for open
calendar courses held at CRI's location.
Private courses can be held offsite,
with cost dependent on number of
trainees and location. Please call or
email for a quote.
Next Course Dates
April 22-26, 2025 (closed/full)
May 19-23, 2025 (now registering)
The objective of this course is to teach effective and revolutionary tactics on the proper use of the UAV to create a force multiplier and increase the tactical capabilities of the officer/deputy, along with their departments. Recognizing the ever-evolving landscape of policing and law enforcement requirements, our course is meticulously designed to equip officers with the skills, knowledge, and hands-on experience they need to utilize drones effectively in tactical scenarios.
Course Modules
Drone flight skills
Flight planning
Tactical drone operation planning
Drug cartel vehicle stops
Ambush on law enforcement
Violent riot control
Robbery scenarios
Active shooter situations
Response to officer/deputy under attack
Student Comments
"I wanted a new perspective in how drones can be utilized for law enforcement. I feel my skill level increased drastically since the beginning of the class."
"Very helpful class and my skills improved a lot."
"Thank you for the excellent training experience."
Just Published!
Tactical Drone Pilot
by Doron Benbenisty
In Full Color
2025 Course Dates
Feb 17-21
Apr 22-26
May 19-23
Sep 01-05
Additional dates can be scheduled at our location or offsite, based on the number of participants. Please call or email for more details.
To attend you must meet one of the following criteria:
Current Certified Law Enforcement Officers
Current Reserve Law Enforcement Officers
Current Military (all branches) Active Duty, National Guard or Reserve Component serving in their branches MOS for Military Police Officers
It is strongly recommended that all students have an FAA Part 107 (Remote Pilot) License before starting any of the
tactical drone courses. If students do not have this license, they may still attend the course, but they will not be able to fly
drones commercially, meaning no monetary compensation will be allowed until they receive this license. An existing Certificate of Waiver or Authorization (COA) waiver is also acceptable, in lieu of a license.
For complete information on our other Drone Programs, visit our Tactical Drone Academy site at
For PayPal & PayPal After Pay, please click below.

Interested in partnering with us?
Many of our programs are available for licensing.
Contact us for more information.